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Rustic Black Slate

Rustic Black Slate

Rustic Black Slate features mid-light grey colour tones with flashes of copper throughout. Displaying a textured surface and a clean-cut sawn edge for a cool and stylish patio effect that mimics natural stone. A colourful, warming addition to your outdoor space.

Strata Rustic Black Slate Porcelain Paving is a truly beautiful product at the highest quality with a lightly textured anti-slip surface. An ideal choice for both traditional and contemporary garden designs.

Strata Stone presents the ‘Porcelain Collection’ fired in temperatures of 1400 degrees. Available in a range of seven different colours. Providing a manmade alternative to natural stone at extremely competitive prices. Images are as a guide only.


Rustic Black Slate features mid-light grey colour tones with flashes of copper throughout. Displaying a textured surface and a clean-cut sawn edge for a cool and stylish patio effect that mimics natural stone. A colourful, warming addition to your outdoor space.

Strata Rustic Black Slate Porcelain Paving is a truly beautiful product at the highest quality with a lightly textured anti-slip surface. An ideal choice for both traditional and contemporary garden designs.

Strata Stone presents the ‘Porcelain Collection’ fired in temperatures of 1400 degrees. Available in a range of seven different colours. Providing a manmade alternative to natural stone at extremely competitive prices. Images are as a guide only.

Additional information




Multi colour


Textured & Sawn




600 X 600 MM, 600 X 900 MM


20 MM


Exterior, Interior

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