Each purchase empowers underprivileged children, with several meals provided and counting. Learn More



Luxury Redefined: How Marble Flooring Elevates Interior Design

Luxury Redefined: How Marble Flooring Elevates Interior Design

Marble flooring is a hallmark of refined luxury. From ancient palaces to modern homes, marble has a timeless appeal that adds sophistication to any setting. This natural stone, with its distinct patterns and colours, can transform an ordinary room into a work of art.

Practicality Meets Style: Pros and Cons of Choosing White Flooring

Practicality Meets Style: Pros and Cons of Choosing White Flooring

One of the most common goals in home design is to create a peaceful retreat where we can unwind from our hectic schedules. White interior stone flooring makes any size room appear bright, inviting, and calming, especially when paired with light and natural-coloured furniture.

A Comprehensive Handbook on Selecting Porcelain Patio Tiles for Endurance, Style, and Easy Maintenance

A Comprehensive Handbook on Selecting Porcelain Patio Tiles for Endurance, Style, and Easy Maintenance

In the heart of every British home lies a desire for a charming outdoor space—a sanctuary where morning coffees turn into afternoon teas, and lazy Sunday afternoons stretch into balmy summer evenings. And at the core of crafting this idyllic haven lies the choice of patio tiles—those unsung heroes that bear the weight of countless memories, while enduring the caprices of the ever-changing British weather.

Interactive Office Wall Panels Ideas: Redefining Collaboration Spaces in Modern Offices

Interactive Office Wall Panels Ideas: Redefining Collaboration Spaces in Modern Offices

Offices are no longer just places to work but are evolving into dynamic spaces that foster creativity, innovation, and collaboration. One striking element of this transformation is the integration of interactive wall panels, which are redefining collaboration spaces in modern offices.

Durability vs. Aesthetics: Finding the Right Balance in Commercial Kitchen Flooring

Durability vs. Aesthetics: Finding the Right Balance in Commercial Kitchen Flooring

When it comes to commercial kitchen flooring, the debate between durability and aesthetics frequently takes centre stage. On the one hand, business owners require flooring that can withstand heavy foot traffic, spills, and frequent cleaning found in busy kitchens.

Revamp Your Outdoor Space: Creative Block Paving Driveway Designs

Revamp Your Outdoor Space: Creative Block Paving Driveway Designs

Are you weary of your old concrete or asphalt driveway? Are you looking to update your outside environment with something more fashionable and creative? Look no further than block pavers!

Top 5 Reasons To Choose Porcelain Driveway Tiles

Top 5 Reasons To Choose Porcelain Driveway Tiles

A well-constructed driveway contributes to making first impressions on the visitors, ensuring that they admire your personal taste and design choices. When it comes to choosing the best outdoor patio slabs or tiles for driveways or pathways, homeowners are often inundated with a variety of materials available online. Having said that, maintaining a right balance […]

Unique Stone Wall Cladding Ideas for Your Home

Unique Stone Wall Cladding Ideas for Your Home

The walls of a living space set the tone for overall interiors. And, getting them painted is not enough to create a statement. If you wish to give your home a distinctive look, then interior stone cladding is something to swear by.  This technique is all about covering interior walls with a natural stone to […]

Top Benefits of using Slate Outdoor Tiles for your Patio

Top Benefits of using Slate Outdoor Tiles for your Patio

Creating an outdoor space that blends functionality as well as aesthetic appeal is something that every homeowner strives for. When it comes to designing a patio, choosing the correct flooring is crucial in order to achieve a perfect balance of style and longevity. Slate outdoor tiles are one material that sticks out in this aspect. […]

How to Choose the Perfect Patio Porcelain Slabs for Your Home

How to Choose the Perfect Patio Porcelain Slabs for Your Home

Sitting on a patio surrounded by greenery and relishing your favourite beverage- absolutely nothing sounds more relaxing than this, doesn’t it? If you wish to experience such pleasurable moments every day in your home, then you must construct a patio using porcelain paving slabs which are known for their durability, slip-resistance, and versatility in design […]

How To Install Natural Stone Tile On Outdoor Bar

How To Install Natural Stone Tile On Outdoor Bar

An outdoor bar is an ideal space for hosting parties and organising social gatherings. Whether it is the backyard area or on the patio, creating an outdoor bar with natural stone tiles can elevate the overall experience of get-togethers.  Whether your client wants an outdoor bar for a convenient af fresco dining or relishing drinks […]

Maintaining and Caring for Your Interior Stone Flooring: Tips for Longevity

Maintaining and Caring for Your Interior Stone Flooring: Tips for Longevity

When it comes to enhancing the aesthetics and durability of your Interior living spaces, few materials can rival the timeless elegance and robustness of Interior patio slabs, Porcelain paving tiles, and exterior stone tiles. These Interior natural stone tiles not only elevate the visual appeal of your Interior areas but also provide a durable and […]

The Importance of Non-Slip Paving Slabs for Safe Outdoor Spaces

The Importance of Non-Slip Paving Slabs for Safe Outdoor Spaces

Safety is paramount when it comes to designing outdoor areas of a residential, commercial, or a public space. If you have got an outdoor construction project to take care of, then as a responsible architect, builder, contractor or a construction firm, it is imperative to choose the right non-slip paving slabs for your clients.  Whether […]

Incorporating Natural Stone Tile Floors into Modern Interior Design Trends

Incorporating Natural Stone Tile Floors into Modern Interior Design Trends

They say, ‘Nothing is constant but change’. This rule of the Universe is applied to everything, let alone the interior decor and design trends. They change like seasons, but if there is anything that has always been consistent in its popularity, use, and beauty, then it is the natural stone tile floor and wall. As […]

All You Need to Know for Cleaning Outdoor Porcelain Tiles

All You Need to Know for Cleaning Outdoor Porcelain Tiles

Durability and beauty have always been the most significant factors in order to choose outdoor patio slabs or tiles. Whether you are planning to build a patio or walkways, the outdoor surfaces are meant to remain sturdy and look beautiful for many years to come. Porcelain patios slabs are gaining a lot of popularity these […]

How to Grout Porcelain Slabs?

How to Grout Porcelain Slabs?

Porcelain paving slabs enhance the beauty and functionality of outdoors with attributes, such as durability, versatility, low maintenance, and aesthetics. Whether it is walkways or patios, the exteriors of a property are beautifully adorned using these slabs, ensuring strength and slip resistance. Porcelain paving is usually considered a sustainable option as it doesn’t require regular […]

Everything You Need To Know About Sandstone Tiles

Everything You Need To Know About Sandstone Tiles

Understanding The Beauty Of Sandstone Tiles Sandstone has long been a favorite material for both indoor and outdoor applications because it is a classic and adaptable natural stone. It is a well-liked solution among both designers and homeowners due to its appealing hues, different textures, and durability. So, without further ado, let’s delve into the […]

Discover Paving Slabs Colours And Textures

Discover Paving Slabs Colours And Textures

Let’s Explore The World Of Paving Slabs When it comes to creating captivating outdoor spaces, the choice of paving slabs is a key consideration. Strata Stones, a leading supplier of premium quality paving solutions, offers an extensive range of porcelain and natural stone paving slabs in an array of colors and textures. In this blog, […]

Choosing the Perfect Driveway for Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing the Perfect Driveway for Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

As a homeowner, one of the most important decisions you will make is choosing the perfect driveway for your home. Your driveway not only provides a functional space for parking your vehicles but also plays a significant role in the curb appeal of your property. With so many driveway materials and designs available, it can […]

The Best Way To Maintain Limestone Flooring

The Best Way To Maintain Limestone Flooring

Limestone is a beautiful and versatile natural stone that is a popular choice for both interior stone tiles and external stone paving. Its durability, texture, and natural aesthetic appeal make it an ideal flooring material. However, like any natural stone, it requires regular maintenance to preserve its beauty and extend its life. In this blog, […]

5 Unique Stone Finishes At Strata Stones

5 Unique Stone Finishes At Strata Stones

Unique Finishes Offered By Strata Stones 1. Antique Finish As the name suggests, the antique finish on natural stones is primarily an aesthetic effect in finish texture and appearance, intended to give the surface of the stone a look of old age, wear, and weathering. Usually, while there are other different alternative means to produce […]

Limestone Flooring: A Classic Stone That Gives A Modern Look

Limestone Flooring: A Classic Stone That Gives A Modern Look

There are plenty of natural stones that are used nowadays in order to produce premium quality tiles that are installed in commercial as well as residential spaces. Among them, limestone is the star material for flooring purposes. It is a stunning natural stone with immense versatility. It comes in various forms like limestone tiles, pavers, […]

Why Is Natural Stone The Best Choice For Any Residential And Commercial Space?

Why Is Natural Stone The Best Choice For Any Residential And Commercial Space?

We all wish to transform the interiors of our homes so as to create a zen-like ambiance, away from the outside world. Even when it comes to the interior decor of an office, residence, or maybe a commercial space using natural stones like limestone, marble, and granite, can elevate the final creation in plenty of […]

Garden Paving Ideas – Which Is The Best Paving Option For A Garden?

Garden Paving Ideas – Which Is The Best Paving Option For A Garden?

With so many possibilities for patio slabs and so many garden paving ideas, it might be difficult to decide which ones are best for your garden at first. However, once you grasp the main distinctions, it becomes fairly easy. In this article, there are the key benefits of the most common paving varieties to assist […]

Why Should You Choose Block Setts For Driveways?

Why Should You Choose Block Setts For Driveways?

A crooked and uneven driveway doesn’t really look attractive. Users find it to be rather uncomfortable, and it presents a poor image of the property. Such a driveway can humiliate you or turn off a potential buyer if you invite a reputable guest or even a purchaser to your house. No matter how nice the […]

Outdoor Flooring Ideas for Winters 2023

Outdoor Flooring Ideas for Winters 2023

Homeowners frequently start remodeling projects that improve the outside of their property and increase its value at the start of a new year. A lovely, inviting terrace, patio, or deck is a beautiful way to expand the area of your home while also supplying more opportunities to enjoy the exterior when the weather heats up. […]

All You Need to Know About Swimming Pool Porcelain Paving

All You Need to Know About Swimming Pool Porcelain Paving

Who wouldn’t enjoy refreshing swimming in their outdoor pools in the summer? A swimming pool on the property is the finest water feature for adorning your residence. Even when you’re sitting in the kitchen or living room, gazing out through the sliders and watching the water swirl and sway is soothing. Most people associate “swimming […]

Useful Guide on How to Lay Limestone Paving Slabs

Useful Guide on How to Lay Limestone Paving Slabs

Be it a good patio or an amazing deck, limestone has always made them look stunning. Whether indoors or outdoors or for domestic or commercial use, limestone has proven to be a beautiful and tough material to use for centuries. Limestone comes in different shades of aesthetic colours that are enough to vow anyone and […]

Why Do You Need to Hire Professionals for Stone Flooring Installation?

Why Do You Need to Hire Professionals for Stone Flooring Installation?

The floor is an important part of any building, and to have a beautiful and durable building, it is important to have durable and tough flooring. Whenever you have guests visiting at the home or office or even at any commercial place, the floor would be the first thing they would notice. Therefore one should […]

Natural Walling Stone – All You Need To Know

Natural Walling Stone – All You Need To Know

Walls are the foundation of your house, and it’s important to have strong and beautiful-looking walls to make your house stand out from the rest and appeal to the visitors from the word go. There are many materials available in the market to ensure the strength and the beauty of your walls but one that […]

Learn to Lay Paving Circles in Your Garden Effectively

Learn to Lay Paving Circles in Your Garden Effectively

Not only are your indoors, but outdoors are also responsible for making your house look more attractive and beautiful. You might have seen many ways to add beauty to your house on the Internet, but one unique way of adding creativity is through a decorative garden paving circle. Using paving stones to add a paving […]

Why Porcelain Slabs are Popular Among UK Homeowners

Why Porcelain Slabs are Popular Among UK Homeowners

While Porcelain is relatively new to the market compared to concrete and natural stone, it is becoming quite popular among UK homeowners and designers for many reasons. This variety of ceramic tiles is durable and beautiful at the same time. Though being quite similar to ceramic, there is much more than porcelain floors can offer. […]

10 Irresistable Reasons to Choose Granite Setts for Your Driveway

10 Irresistable Reasons to Choose Granite Setts for Your Driveway

There are many ways to utilize your outdoor space and make it more appealing and functional. One such way is by building a driveway. A driveway will not only ensure that your car is safe in your house but will also enhance the overall value of your property. But, it is important to do proper […]

All You Need To Know About Driveway Edging Stones

All You Need To Know About Driveway Edging Stones

While focusing on the exterior part of our home, including the garden, the patio, and the swimming pool area, we often exclude the driveway or forget about it. While a beautiful driveway goes unnoticed, people are not aware of what it can offer. Driveways add to your home’s curb appeal as they are generally the […]

Cleaning Guide For Outdoor Porcelain And Quarry Tiles

Cleaning Guide For Outdoor Porcelain And Quarry Tiles

In summers, who doesn’t like to spend cosy evenings outdoors and take a walk in fresh air? It’s a well-needed outing you deserve after cold. But before you make up your mind about such an outing, it is important to make sure that your outdoors are nicely cleaned to spend some cosy evenings. With outdoor […]

Learn to Clean Limestone Floors – Easy and Quick

Learn to Clean Limestone Floors – Easy and Quick

We all need an immaculate home and office to carry on with a better-loosened up life. To soothe oneself, the indoors plays an indispensable part. That is why we often use limestone tiles for the indoor beautification of the house. Your house can attain an alluring and more snazzy look with endless options in terms […]

What Are the Pros & Cons of Using Stone Flooring?

What Are the Pros & Cons of Using Stone Flooring?

Stone flooring is an attractive investment for your house; people often misunderstand their properties and consider them simple stones that are not worth it. Apart from concrete, natural stone is probably the only material that can last up to centuries indoors and outdoors. Although it is common for customers to think twice before making a […]

Considering Factors to Ponder When Selecting Natural Stone for Your Bathroom

Considering Factors to Ponder When Selecting Natural Stone for Your Bathroom

No material in the market can take over the elegance and sophistication of a natural stone. Even after people made advancements and started using synthetic tiles, natural stones remain the preferred choice because they are durable and timeless. It is pretty standard for people to give too much attention to the flooring and landscaping of […]

Useful Guide to Build Garden Stone Wall

Useful Guide to Build Garden Stone Wall

Walls are an essential piece of any space; they characterise the place as a limit on your outdoor garden and set the ambiance for them. They can likewise be the ultimate touch of the process of designing and renovating your garden. Stone walls characterise regions, keeping your porch a space separated from your roses and […]

How to Clean and Maintain Your Porcelain Patio Tiles?

How to Clean and Maintain Your Porcelain Patio Tiles?

There’s no doubt in accepting that porcelain patio tiles are the finest pick for adding an appealing look to a modern home. They hold highly resistant properties. They are more durable than the other competitors and simultaneously give a stunning look to the property. In the upcoming section, let’s see why porcelain slabs you should […]

Natural Stone Flooring Trend Forecast 2022

Natural Stone Flooring Trend Forecast 2022

Strata Stones ensures to future-proof your plans with actionable guidance through the natural stone flooring tiles’ market’s transformational shifts, from sustainable targets and changing customer lifestyles. In the minds of our audience, SUI creates a unique flooring style scenario in which natural stone flooring tiles predominate. We collate and contextualize data and design influences from […]

Best Small Patio Ideas with Natural Stones

Best Small Patio Ideas with Natural Stones

Get it right- not in terms of aesthetics but the practical touches as well! You might have probably considered adding an interesting element of design to your home landscaping. And end up delaying the project because you are overwhelmed by the cost, space it will take up, how long the project will take to complete, […]

Tips to Remodel Your Outdoor Space on an Affordable Budget

Tips to Remodel Your Outdoor Space on an Affordable Budget

No matter the size of your outdoors, a thoughtfully remodeled outdoor space can make a big impact on your home life. Whether it’s 100 square feet or 10,000, it should be carefully curated, designed, and most importantly inviting. If your backyard patio entices you to spend as much time as possible outdoors- a place to […]

Why Natural Stone Flagstone Rules The World of Architecture?

Why Natural Stone Flagstone Rules The World of Architecture?

Using natural stone in outdoor beautification projects can make your space feel warm and look beautiful, as well as imbue different areas of your backyard with a different connection to nature. Want to give your fireplace, walkway, flooring, or wall a classic impact or modern flair? What can be best than flagstone paving? Let’s unpack […]

5 Reasons to Avoid Buying Cheap Paving for Your Property

5 Reasons to Avoid Buying Cheap Paving for Your Property

Pave your garden patio, backyard, walkway, driveway, or swimming pool with the best quality of paving stones. Do a proper research before making a deal with a block paving supplier. Cheap paving can only help you save a small amount of money but can invite short-term troubles and maintenance costs. A lot of people make […]

8 Important Things to Know Before Buying Porcelain

8 Important Things to Know Before Buying Porcelain

If you are looking to pave your garden patio, backyard, walkway, etc., or revamp the existing outdoor floor, then porcelain paving stones are one of the best choices out there. However, you need to know about a lot of things before starting the paving work with porcelain. It is crucial because you can find several […]

Essential Guide to Cleaning, Restoring, and Sealing Limestone Paving

Essential Guide to Cleaning, Restoring, and Sealing Limestone Paving

Limestone paving adds an elegant look and feel to any outdoor space, whether it is a backyard, patio, or a walkway. But the staining and fading of stone occur when it is not cleaned and maintained properly. Since outdoor spaces are exposed to the environment and are mostly used as garden patios and walkways, the […]

Essential Guide to Outdoor Paving

Essential Guide to Outdoor Paving

Paving nowadays has become a mainstream and widespread practice in every home because of the benefits it provides. Whether it is for creating a pathway for a muddy part at your property, building swimming pools, patios, or even in bathrooms, paving has become a preferred choice. If you are looking to pave your property, it […]

Guide to Back Garden Paving: Important Things to Know

Guide to Back Garden Paving: Important Things to Know

Building the right paving for your garden can make a big difference to your property. Nowadays, almost everyone who owns a house with a garden chooses to have a decorative garden circle with suitable pathways paved with limestone or other stones. There are various reasons to go for back garden paving. For instance, paving consumes […]

How to Maintain Natural Stones Guide

How to Maintain Natural Stones Guide

Though you may not believe it, maintaining natural stone actually takes very little effort. Here are our top tips on caring for your Natural Stone Surfaces: INDOOR CARE Keep it neutral – When cleaning your natural stone surface, it is best to do so with pH balanced / neutral products, as harsh cleaning products can damage […]

5x Steps for Success When Caring for Your Natural Stones

5x Steps for Success When Caring for Your Natural Stones

Unrivalled in its classical beauty, natural stone is used around the world in both domestic and commercial spaces from small intimidate homes to large office blocks and buildings. It is used indoor and outdoor to extend living spaces, experiences and expectations, due to its durability and visual appeal. A material gaining in popularity that can […]

Natural Stone vs Man-Made: The Great Debate

Natural Stone vs Man-Made: The Great Debate

As you plan your latest custom build or renovation project, it can be difficult to know which stone tile is for you. Here I have compared natural stone with some popular man-made materials such as porcelain and ceramics to help you make the right choice.  NATURAL STONE The Pros For homes and businesses, beautiful hand-crafted […]

Why Going Natural is Always Best?

Why Going Natural is Always Best?

There’s no denying that the best things in life come from nature, and when given the option of natural stone or an array of artificial alternatives, natural stone is the clear winner every time. For those who haven’t yet immersed themselves in the world of natural stones, then let me take you on a journey […]